Your Modeling Portfolio

The purpose of a modeling portfolio is not just simply to show that you are attractive, it is to show your ability to portray different characters, age ranges and most importantly personality. Your photos, modeling portfolio, and comp card will always been seen before you get the chance to swoon them with your personality so it is crucial to submit strong images that best represent you and your diversity.

Think you have what it takes? Contact the studio to set up a consultation with one of our owners.

Modeling Portfolio Packages start at $995 and can range based on portfolio need as well as the amount of studio representation and evolvement.



Hey hot stuff! Are you the cat’s meow? The cream of the crop? Trying to make it BIG??? 

Revolution Studios in Raleigh, North Carolina has been helping both established and aspiring models build their modeling portfolios since 2000! Our commercial studio and staff is experienced and our approach during a modeling session is always current to today’s modeling standards. 

Modeling is a first impression business and Revolution Studios understands that every agency or client that you contact needs to be wowed from the start. You know the saying...“You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” There is no business where that is more true than modeling. Choosing a photographer and studio that you trust with this first impression is one of the most important steps you will take.